改編自英國倫敦的真實故事  -【回憶月台】微電影,講述英國一名老婦人Margaret數年間每天都到地下鐵月,她從不搭車,就只是在同一個座位上坐著。

直到有一天她赫然發現熟悉的廣播聲音被換掉了,她隨即向月台人員詢問,才娓娓道來「Mind the gap」背後的故事。

四十多年前,她就是在這裡與已去世的丈夫相遇。當時,就是一句「Mind the gap」把他倆牽引在一起。可惜系統已經更新,聲音檔已無法找回,月台人員也愛莫能助。老婦也只能悄然離開,再也沒必要重踏這個月台了~ 時間讓所有事物悄悄地流逝...


二人擁有共同回憶固然美好,但若其中一方先走了,被遺下的另一半是何其傷痛? 只能憑著剩下一點一滴的回憶去悼念至愛~  就算是一句簡單的說話,也可以勾起許多許多回憶....

雖說有點 Sad 也有點old school...但『珍惜』這兩個字是一門很深的學問啊~ 不是人人也能做到!要記住【時間讓所有事物悄悄地流逝...】,今天的事會化作日後的回憶,就好好與身邊的那個他/她,創造更多美好回憶吧~ 就算到最後結局如何,至少...也快樂過相愛過!

最後送上微電影真實女主角的照片以及片中歌曲 - It was May 的歌詞~

It was May
詞 / 蔡柏璋 曲 / 羅恩妮 主唱 / 柯智棠

It was a Tuesday morning in May and as I awoke

I saw the sun against your fair face

It was the years loveliest smile
The breeze was fresh and throughout the garden linger the scent of roses

It was may and I cannot forget that we sang together
The more time passes the more I remember

The air was fresh and the song so sweet
Oh it was may, it was may

You sang “love of my heart, love of my heart
You are going far away, you are leaving me"

And I will count the hours, when will you return?
With nod I said, I will return when the roses bloom again

And I sang “love of my heart, the love of my heart
You are going far away, you are leaving me"

And I will count the hours when will you return
And you said, I will return when I hear your voice again

I will return, as promise, when the roses bloom again.

