根據外媒 Collider 與導演Oz Perkins的訪談,「長腿」名字的由來其實沒什麼特別意思,只是聽起來不錯,有點恐怖又有點有興,更帶有70年代的感覺。

PERKINS: I don't know if it has meaning or not. It doesn't have meaning. I like words, and it's a good word. It sounds good. It sounds sort of scary but also sort of fun. It sounds pure. It sounds like '70s to me. It sounds like something that maybe Robert Plant would have sung in a Zeppelin song. It has an old pin-up quality to it. It invokes a certain time, I suppose, and there's an awkwardness to it that he has, that the character has sort of an uneasy clumsiness to him. I don't know; it just feels good.


根據 IMDB Trivia中,有網民指出《長腿》名字其實來自一首名為《Goosey Goosey Gander》的古老童謠的致敬,最早的出版物是1784 年在倫敦出版的《Gammer Gurton's Garland: or, The Nursery Parnassus》。

童遙Goosey Goosey Gander歌詞如下:

Goosey goosey gander,

Whither shall I wander?

Upstairs and downstairs

And in my lady's chamber.

There I met an old man

Who wouldn't say his prayers,

So I took him by his left leg

And threw him down the stairs.

這首童謠傳言說是與牧師洞 (priest hole)有關,根據維基百科是16世紀時英格蘭許多大型天主教堂中具備的設施,主要作為在英格蘭天主教徒受迫害期間,神父的藏身之處。牧師一旦被發現,他將被強行帶出家門(“扔下樓梯”)並受到虐待。




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